Sponsorship & Donation Information
- All requests must be received at least 60 days prior to the date the donation is needed.
- Request must be on official organization letterhead that includes return address, name and phone number of the person submitting request.
- All requests will be reviewed for consideration by the Donation Committee.
- All requests will receive a decision in writing within four weeks of receipt of request.
- Limited to one request within a twelve month period.
- No telephone applications will be accepted.
- Please mail your request to 17225 Jersey Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 ATTN: Donation Committee
- All requests must be received at least 60 days before the sponsorship date.
- The request must be on official organization letterhead, including the return address, name, and phone number of the person submitting the request.
- All requests will be reviewed for consideration.
- All requests will receive a decision in writing within four weeks of receipt of the request.
- Sponsorships exceeding $5,000 must include performance measurement criteria, and the requestor must be prepared to submit a report of achievement.
- Limited to one request within twelve months.
- No telephone applications will be accepted.
- Please mail your request to 17225 Jersey Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 ATTN: Sponsorship Committee
As a condition of sponsorship, The Tachi Palace would like to see the following at the conclusion of your event.
- A follow up letter with the following information:
- How many guests attended your event
- Copies of all programs, flyers, advertisements that Tachi Palace Casino Resort’s logo was used
- How and where the programs, flyers, ads were distributed
- Images of the event, images of the Tachi Palace banners hung (if applicable)
- Like and follow both the Tachi Palace Facebook and Instagram pages @TachiPalace and tag Tachi Palace in your posts leading up to your event. We would like to build interaction with your fans and ours for your program.
- We would like you to also share Tachi Palace posts with your fans and invite them to like your sponsor.
- And any additional items agreed upon
Community Breakfast
- Please submit your request on your organization’s letterhead to be considered as a Community Breakfast recipient. You can email your written request to AdvertisingandStaff@tachipalace.com or mail it to 17225 Jersey Ave, Lemoore, CA 93245, Attn: Community Breakfast Committee. If your organization is selected, we will notify you by email.